The City Mystic (eBook, ePUB)
Preis: | 5.49 EUR* (inkl. MWST zzgl. Versand - Preis kann jetzt höher sein!) |
Versand: | 0.00 EUR Versandkostenfrei innerhalb von Deutschland |
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Hersteller: | I Libri del Casato (Vitaliano Bilotta; Evolvenza) |
Stand: | 2015-08-04 03:50:33 |
The inner life of a clairvoyant and his relationship with others are commented on here in light of the teaching of the Guides, who manifested through great mediums. The Guides insist that every person who participates in a spiritualist meeting has to assume the responsibility to make constructive use of whatever this experience can offer him, not only with regard to himself but also to others. We also believe that the teaching is not given us to keep hidden so that no one can make use of it, but to transmit it to those who need it. This is the true aim of this book. Well-known in Italy, Vitaliano Bilotta has been a teacher, journalist, and a union representative within Education. He has studied the philosophy of reincarnation for more than forty years and makes it known to others by applying it to everyday life. He became keenly interested in the hypothesis of reincarnation by associating with great mediums who handed down important teachings that comprehend Reality in all its aspects. He has published more than twenty books, also in e-book format, with various publishing houses but this is the first time one of his books has been translated into English.
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